I recently received a learning toy from SKOLA TOYS to review and when I opened it and saw it was peg and add the timing could have been no better. Yes I know 2 yrs is too young for addition but we are learning numbers and we’re super excited to see the clock ( tik toc in baby N’s lingo ) with numbers till 20. And we count exactly till 20 so there could have been nothing better. 

We got a leaflet which explains how this learning toy can be played and addition can be made fun. But since baby N is too young for addition we played it in our own way and was it fun you have to see it for yourself 

For a 2 yrs old 


one of N’s favourites and can keep him busy for hours,fine motor skills is one of the most important skills for toddlers to hone.N enjoyed putting the pegs on the numbers.This is an excellent activity also to improve the grip and muscles and helps in hand and eye coordination.

While putting the pegs he counted till 20 he is fluent while counting till 10 but stops after 11 as twelve is something he forgets but from thirteen again he counts without break till 20. It was a fun activity for him to peg and count. 

One of the major skills that can be acquired by a 2 yr old playing with peg while counting is the basic skill of knowing multiples.when a child  learns to count more than knowing the numbers the concept of one and multiple should be clear . Peg counting makes it easier for them to see that counting is not just numbers but objects to be counted.


We used the number buttons to do number recognition.i displayed the numbers one by one showing baby N what the number is while saying it loudly. “One this is 1, can you show me 1?” And similarly till twenty.Baby N  enjoyed pointing the numbers to me. 


The square number buttons are in two colours so we did another fun number recognition game by matching the numbers.

With older kids memory games can be played in various ways but we just kept it simple.

Arranged the number buttons by hiding  the numbers and asked baby N to find and match the numbers he was lifting the buttons one by one and matching it when he found the same number again.


We have used the decagon parts and made them two piece puzzles for N. Where he tried to match and make a perfect decagon.

For 4 yrs old 

This is an amazing learning toy for a 4 yrs old to gain the basic knowledge of arithmetic. Since I am at my mothers place and my nephew is 4 plus he had a great time playing and learning with this toy.


Used one of the yellow boards and covered it with one of the white board which covered the extra peg hole and kept only the peg hole displayed as the number on the board. A simple yet effective way of counting.


for this we have used the whole board ,just like counting here also we have covered the peg holes with the tiles and asked my nephew to peg colour wise and arrive at the total.when he started enjoying the addition I just flipped the larger base over showing no numbers and asked him to count and tell the sum .


Took the red base tile and asked my nephew to find the complimentary blue base tile and just the way baby N did the jigsaw puzzle my nephew was also able to do it and was surprised to find that the total was always ten when he found the corresponding tile.


Kept one set of base in one room and pegs in another and asked him to go to the other room and bring the number of pegs as the number on the base tile.

Flipped the base tiles and asked to match the numbers by remembering .Allowed him to flip and see the tiles once then gave him the tiles and he had to flip the correct one.



The basic concept of adding two quantities to arrive up for a bigger whole. Using pegs makes the abstarct arithimetic procedure of addition very concrete and clear.


Pegging while counting automatically ensures greater accuracy and stronger reinforcement of quantity. Pegging at the corresponding numbers leads to number recognition.It also helps in strong quantity symbol assosiation since there is a numeral ,a base and loose pegs all indicating the same quantity.


An essential aspect especially for carry over/ borrowing .


Remembering the number ,bringing back the pegs strengthens memory for numbers, handy when the child starts doing carry over and borrowing.


excellent to improve pencil grip and muscle strength.

This is one of the must have to teach young kids the basics of mathematics.