We made few resolutions the day we brought the baby home

1.No swear No ‘F’ word in front of the baby

No No we cant do that how can we use the ‘F’ word in front of him no matter how young he is ….no he is going to pick it No ways.

Few days later…….

F**k man whats with this red spot on his face,

Hey don’t use the F word ….

What !!!! can’t you be little practical you are bothered about the F word when he is too young to even understand  rather you should be worried about the insect bite on his face.

2. No fights in front of the baby – Mummy papa are one team

Ha Ha !!!!!! Do I even have to give an example.

3. Set the routine for the baby

Sorry let me correct Set into the routine of the baby

4.We are going to be one chilled out parents unlike the hyper lot around.

What is that


That little black thing on the wall

Oh my god oh my god is that a mosquito ???

Yes i think so… oh my god

How did it happen ???

Bring my slippers


Ahh such a relief

After sometime ………

Honey can you see the bunch of mosquito on the same spot


Ohh leave it your slippers  way too dirty

5.I will get back into shape(This one i made to myself)

This conversation is with self

Stop eating for two you are one now, the baby is already out

Shut up I am feeding the baby so that makes more sense when you eat for two.

Bringing your bundle of joy home indeed is a special moment, so its ok if the plan didn’t work out.And its ok if there are few fights here and there i believe that makes the memory more special and you are going to laugh over it later. So go ahead break the resolution bring home the baby.